Our most ambitious Project is the inauguration of this very important and necessary museum, in Spain and in the USA. We have everything ready, we only need an institution or private entity with the passion to make a reality this project.

There's a story you haven't been told.

A hero you haven't heard about. nosotros-los-prensa

Intrepid and adventurous explorers unknown to you.

The Spanish Legacy in the United States of America is full of untold stories, ...heroes to be met and ...brave individuals to be discovered.

                                                  Welcome to the Spanish Legacy Museum

"We the Spanish People"  / Nosotros los españoles  is a project born of a great national and international ambition. Our goal is acknowledgement and outreach.

Inaction is a form of defeat.

The Legacy Association is actively involved in the recovery of our legacy, we must overcome the centuries-old battle of perceptions, which has fueled the infamous black legend that has done so much harm and is inexplicably still alive.

With this project   we open the window to a history that until now has been written with the absence of Spanish ink, an ink that we transfer full of strength to each of the postcards that make up this project, their texts have been written with the relentless mission of a truthful and documented account that claims its place within the bounds of historical justice.

Dare to dream with us, dare to imagine that soon we will be able to visit this Museum.

Let us promote the continuation and expansion of research, and support the incorporation of these essential contents in educational centers.

....It is an indisputable fact; the history of the United States of America is written in capital letters with the participation of Spain.